So this week is the ever so popular Spring Break and all the kiddos that work for my parents have
peaced out for that first fab beach experience without there rents. I am assuming that at this point they are all suffering from serious sun
poison and toxic hangovers. Oh to be able to have that much fun again. I on the other hand am being the fabulous person I am and helping out with the extra hours so I haven't been around here much. I thought I would play a little catch up today.
I had to stop by there the other day and had Mosey with me. I was talking with my mom and realized I hadn't heard Mosey in a minute so I went looking for her. I am just gonna call this what it is...Way illegal child labor!

I personally love that she even had the gloves on.
I also got to have a little mommy time and it was AWESOME! I finally used a gift certificate I got for mothers day last year to get a pedi.

M.D. said they were way to bright and I told him to kiss my ass. They make me think of summer and not of the fact we are suppose to get snow flurries today (it was 75 yesterday)!
Good for you with your comment! Think Spring!
Following from MBC! Welcome!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now. I look forward to getting to know you. Your daughter is such a cutie. Where in TN do you live? I live in Atoka which is about 30 minutes north of Memphis.
Those are such cute pictures, especially the gloves.
And I have a question. What is MBC? I keep reading about it on different blogs, but I have no idea what it is.
visiting from mbc, they look great I so need a pedi
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