It was so pretty here this weekend so we took full advantage of it and headed out to the zoo Sunday. We even helped my dad on some home projects he had to do Saturday for my mom so he could come with us. I was really glad he was going cause Mosey and a very large public area was making me pretty nervous. She has just been so independant lately. Well she was actually quite the angel. She had a moment or two but what 2 1/2 year old doesn't? We have a pretty zoo here and it was just big enough for Mosey.
You know though whenever you are out somewhere like that you always see the most interesting people. Well I just have to share this one with you. I was taking pictures the Meerkats and Mosey was looking at them down below with my dad and M.D. Well this kid who is 8 or 9 is standing next to me with his family (he is rocking a mohawk). He looks at the meerkats and says those aren't cats those are fucking rodents. My jaw falls open and I am just waiting for this kid to get beat or something and all of a sudden everyone he is with starts cracking up. I had to walk away cause I was about to beat that kid since no one else would!! Other then that though not to many other heart attacks. Here are some pics from our day. Happy Monday lovely bloggers!!
4 days ago
looks like a blast! Now I have this kiddy song in my head: We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo how about you you you
Love those pics.
Grab the blogger buddy and zombie chicken award from my blog!
No way! We were there on Saturday! We got to be in the new zoo commercial they were shooting. It was so much fun!
Looks like a fun day... I would have wanted to beat the kid too... can't believe they just laughed! he is 8 (or 9)! :)
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