So for the last 2 months or so on the days that Mosey goes to school I always take her and pick her up. Well she has been down right difficult to get out of school. Throwing fits, kicking, screaming at the top of her lungs, and of course my favorite as I am standing there dragging her she yells "NO HIT ME MOMMY". Oh she has no idea how bad I want to beat her butt. I don't even know where the hell she picked that one up at. We literally live 30 seconds from the daycare but by the time I get home I look like I have been through WW3 and am ready to scream and she walks right in and hugs her daddy and tells him how much she loves him. I then tell him she is getting everything taken away and can't speak for a week along with timeout for a year. He laughs and says "Oh it can't be that bad."
Well today M.D. picked me up from work since he is off tomorrow and we went and got Mosey together. She pulled out all the stops for him and to add fuel to the fire there were tons of parents up front cause they got pictures back today. He finally gets her over his shoulder and she is screaming and kicking and he runs into a friend he played baseball with and is so embarassed. Of course that guy got it and just laughed. He gets her in the car and she does my most favorite thing. Sticks her legs stick straight up against the back seat and won't let you get her in the seat. Needless to say when we got home she had a nice talk and some toys taken away. AHHHHHHHH sweet justice!!
Okay on a side note I am looking for opinions on kiddie leashes.

about your comment on my blog about max and ruby... I sadly know all to well about Caiou (whatever) too. why do they all have to scream? Do they think all children are hard of hearing?
Oh my, I used to torture my mother in the same way on a daily basis through 2 years of preschool!! I am so afraid of payback now that I have kids of my own!! I hope she gets better at it for your sake! But, have hope, my mom is my best friend now and I still have a fit when she leaves (well...maybe that doesn't give you much hope, sorry!)
Are you staying safe today? Not sure where you are in TN but it's been a crazy afternoon with tornadoes, I'm sure you know that! Hope you are safe.
I am not sure I have an opinion on the leashes...I never went anywhere that did not have shopping baskets..I threw both of mine in and listened to them scream the whole time...People walking past me probably thought I was the worst mother..But I didn't care...
Do what works for you the best!!
I try really hard not to judge anybody using these. I've actually seen a lady walking down the sidewalk of a busy street with a bag of groceries in her arms and two kids (probably ages 2 & 3) wearing these leash things. She obviously had to get some groceries, but didn't have a car. I REALLY get that these are necessary for someone in that kind of situation.
However, for somebody with only one child, how is holding a leash really easier than holding the child's hand? I just don't get it.
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