Monday, March 30, 2009

Daddy daycare

I work on Saturdays with my parents and I have very quickly come to the conclusion that when mommy is away life is chaos! So this Saturday I left for work at 9:30 and was home by 3:30. A total of 6 hours which in my opinion is not that long nor should it be THAT damn difficult. I wanted to share with all of you the joy I came home to...

Not only is she running around in a pull-up and it's cold outside she is wearing a shirt that is way to small and oh wait, check that out a KOOL-AID mustache. I go to the grocery store for juice boxes and shell out for the good ones with no sugar and she gets KOOL-AID? WHAT THE HELL!! I should of included the picture of my husband sprawled out on the couch with the living room covered in her toys and my dishes but I was afraid I may throw the camera at him. Just for reference this is what Mosey looks like when M.D. gets home after a day with her mother.

Oh I have to love him anyways! He's funny because he knows I am mad and he just sits there with this grin on his face like I know I am capable of more but who cares. This is probably why when M.D. leaves for work she cries and when I go she shuts the door on me.


Savvy-Motherhood said...

oh my goodness she is adorable. :)

Amber said...

this is soooooo true, i come home to the same