Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Jon and Kate obsession
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mothers Day to me
Friday, May 8, 2009
The war has been waged...

I love Manny. Yesterday though he was suspended for 50 games after testing positive not once (at spring training) but twice (two days ago) for a drug that helps increase testosterone production after steroid use. It is also used for women with fertility problems. He has now come out and said it was used for erectile dysfunction. REALLY?!?! M.D. of course thinks this whole thing is bullshit and Manny is very talented and once again steroids don't help you see the ball to hit it.
I think these men are awful role models for children and I think the situation would be different if they came out and said "Yes I did it, I felt so much pressure to perform better and live up to my hype. It was the wrong decision and I apologize. No one should do what I did." But they don't they just lie. For as much money as all of these men make accountability should be top priority.
I suppose the battle will continue to rage at my home. I am just glad to know my darling David Wright is just talented all on his own. Oh and so just amazingly HOT!! He is what amazing dreams are made of.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Craft junky crack
Inside were tons of clothes and shoes for Mosey. Which she has clothed my child since she was born and I will never be able to show my full gratitude for that.
There were some pink disney princess boots but I am pretty sure Mosey slept in them. LOL
Yes I know what you are saying. No, we don't eat alot of quality family meals at that table. M.D. is dear enough not to gripe at all about it. He knows I love doing it and it means he can watch as many baseball games in the evenings as he wants. I still lay down and wish everynight for the magic craft fairy to bring me a magic craft room all of my own.
So this brings me to my last bit of my own space. Mosey began sleeping with us when she was about 6 months old cause I was so tired from getting up with her in the middle of the night and then getting up for work at 4am that after trying a couple of diffrent things I realized she slept best in bed with us. IT WAS ONLY TEMPORARY THOUGH!!!